DIY Seasonal Allergy Synergy

DIY Seasonal Allergy Synergy

Posted by Dianna Dapkins on 21st May 2022

It’s high pollen season in many areas of the country and clients are getting stuffed up on the table and looking for relief.

We’ve got that: A simple and affordable combination of essential oils for spring is Lemon and Spearmint.

Lemon is a natural antihistamine and boosts the body's natural defenses. The bright scent is as energizing as it is cooling to overactive sinuses.

Spearmint has powerful decongestant properties, just a few drops will gently open the sinuses and soothe a scratchy throat.

Seasonal Allergy Synergy is perfect to have on hand in the spring and the fall to help your clients (and yourself) manage the discomfort and inconvenience of seasonal allergies.

DIY Seasonal Allergy Synergy Recipe

In a diffuser, or put onto a tissue and place under the massage face cradle.

  • 3 drops Lemon
  • 2 drops Spearmint

For topical application:

Apply sparingly below the nose or on the neck and chest.