SPECIAL CLOSEOUT OFFER! All Purpose USA Made Quiet pump operation Did you know that you can economize and be green by cleaning your pump and reusing it? All you need to do is periodically pump rubbing alcohol (no soap and water) through the pump to degrease and sanitize. To clean: … read more
Did you know that you can economize and be green by cleaning your pump and reusing it? All you need to do is periodically pump rubbing alcohol (no soap and water) through the pump to degrease and sanitize.
To clean: use isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol). The higher concentration, 91% isopropyl alcohol, is best but 70% will do too.
1) Wipe down outside of bottle and pump.
2) Place pump stem into a half ounce of alcohol in a glass or bottle and "pump" once to bring alcohol up into the chamber of the pump. Let sit for a few minutes then pump alcohol out into sink or garbage. Repeat if necessary to clean all residue.
3) Let the pump air dry completely before placing it into oil or lotion.
4) Put your clean pump in your new product and discard the first pump or two of product into the trash to be sure all alcohol is out of the pump.
Also, don't forget between clients wipe clean the pump head to prevent cross-contamination. Rubbing alcohol will degrease, disinfect, and keep your pump from jamming!
Do not place in dishwasher. We do not recommend cleaning with water since the pump mechanism may not dry completely and could introduce mold and bacteria into your product.
This pump is intended for oil and lotion only.
USA Made. Pharmaceutical Grade Safe.